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Do you think you might be pregnant but are unsure when to take a home pregnancy test? Timing is key to getting accurate results.

Before grabbing a test, be sure you understand how a pregnancy test works and the optimal time to test.

How Does A Pregnancy Test Work?

A pregnancy test detects the presence of a certain hormone in urine. The stick you pee on uses a special strip of paper to measure the presence of hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin.

This hormone is only produced by the body during pregnancy. Levels of hCG rise rapidly once the pregnancy has implanted into the uterus.

Testing at the right time of the month will ensure levels of hCG are high enough to confirm whether or not you’re pregnant.

When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?

It’s recommended that women wait until a day or two after their missed period to take a home pregnancy test. However, you’ll receive more accurate results when you wait a week.

Women are also advised to take a pregnancy test upon waking in the morning, as your urine is most concentrated at this time of the day.

If taken too early, hCG levels might be too low to indicate pregnancy, even though you are pregnant. So, patience is key to getting the most accurate results.

Where Can I Find Free Pregnancy Testing?

Don’t waste your money buying expensive, over-the-counter pregnancy tests. Heart of the Hills offers women free, lab-quality pregnancy tests. We make privacy a priority and won’t share details about your situation with anyone.

Next Steps

You deserve an accurate answer. To make an appointment for your free pregnancy test, simply fill out this form or call 830-456-8840.

We understand an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming and scary. Heart of the Hills is here to make your pregnancy journey easier. Reach out today, and let us help you reclaim your peace and set a plan for the future.

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