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The questions may feel like they never end. An unplanned pregnancy is not an easy journey to navigate, but we are here to help. You may feel pressure to lean towards one specific pregnancy decision based on your partner, friends, or family. You have the final say when it comes to your final pregnancy decision. No one can make this decision for you.

What Are My Pregnancy Options?

When it comes to a pregnancy, you have three options: abortion, adoption, or parenting. The decision is ultimately up to you, but we are here to educate you so you can make an informed decision moving forward.


Abortion is a major pregnancy decision with serious risks. It’s essential to know about how each abortion procedure works, the side effects, and the risks involved. Depending on how far along you are will determine what type of procedure you could be eligible for. A pregnancy test, an ultrasound, and STI testing are the three recommended steps to take before making a final decision. Receive these pregnancy confirmation services at no cost at our center today.


There are multiple adoption plans to choose from when considering this pregnancy option. The option of adoption has greatly improved over the years, giving the mother the final say in many of the decisions. Open adoption is the most common type of adoption, allowing regular meetings for birth parents to build a relationship with their child if desired, as well as the adoptive family.


Parenting can seem like the hardest choice, but every option has its own difficulties. Maybe you didn’t think that this parenting option would come as early as it did and we understand. Our team is here to help you navigate the parenting option as you consider the next steps with your pregnancy. There is practical support and resources available to you. 

What Pregnancy Options Am I Eligible for?

We can help you determine what options you’re eligible for by confirming your pregnancy with our free and confidential pregnancy services. Determine how far along you are and rule out risks like ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage with an ultrasound. 

Schedule a free pregnancy confirmation appointment and once your pregnancy is confirmed, we will set up an options counseling appointment to educate you about all your pregnancy options.

Know my state.
Know my options.


My Partner Is Pressuring Me To Have An Abortion But I’m Not Sure

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and feeling anxious about the future? Maybe your partner is pressuring you to abort, but you aren’t sure if that’s the right option for you.  Educating yourself on all the options available can give you a sense of clarity and peace when deciding how to proceed with your pregnancy.

How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Did you know abortion can impact your mental and emotional health? Some women will experience significant episodes of anxiety or depression following an abortion.  The good news is you have other options. Women who find themselves pregnant and unable to care for a child have the wonderful option of adoption.  Here’s a closer look at

Don’t Want Another Abortion?

The reasons women choose abortion are personal and varied. Experiencing another unexpected pregnancy may send some women seeking other solutions instead of a repeat abortion.  If that’s you, know you have alternatives to explore. Below is a brief overview of what making an adoption plan or parenting might look like for you.  Is Adoption Right