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If you’ve had unprotected sex and worry you might be pregnant, you’re likely asking yourself when the right time to take a test is. Most at-home kits are meant to be taken after the first day of your missed period. Some kits even claim to deliver results days before your period, but timing is essential for getting the most accurate results.

Read on to learn when and how to take a pregnancy test. However, you can get free lab-quality pregnancy testing at Heart of the Hills. Get conclusive results and sit down with one of our compassionate team members who can help you identify the next steps. Reach out to us today.

How Does A Pregnancy Test Work?

Pregnancy tests work by detecting the presence of the pregnancy hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Soon after a fertilized egg adheres to the lining of the uterus, a stage known as implantation, the formation of the placenta starts. This organ produces hCG, which can be detected in both blood and urine. HCG is unique to pregnancy and is only present in the body during this time.

When Is The Best Time To Test?

An at-home test will check for hCG in your urine. In the beginning stages of pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood and urine increases rapidly, often doubling every two to three days.

Therefore, if you take a pregnancy test a day or two after missing your period, and you are indeed pregnant, the likelihood of the test detecting hCG and returning a positive result is higher.

It’s best to take a test in the morning because that’s when hCG is most concentrated.

If you get a negative test result but you still think you might be pregnant, take another test one week after your missed period. False negatives, although rare, can happen if you’ve taken the test wrong, too early, or because of a faulty or expired test.

Free Lab-Quality Testing

Confirm your at-home results with free lab-quality pregnancy testing at Heart of the Hills.

If you receive a positive result, we can follow up with an ultrasound scan, which is essential in delivering key details you’ll want to know about your pregnancy. Afterward, we can discuss your options and situation moving forward.

Contact us to make a confidential appointment.

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