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Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and feeling anxious about the future? Maybe your partner is pressuring you to abort, but you aren’t sure if that’s the right option for you. 

Educating yourself on all the options available can give you a sense of clarity and peace when deciding how to proceed with your pregnancy. `Remember, only you know what’s best for your body and pregnancy. 

What Are My Options?

Women have three options when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy: abortion, adoption, or parenting. Here’s a snapshot of the pros and cons of each option. 


Abortions are available in two forms: medical abortion and surgical abortion. 

The abortion pill, also known as a medical abortion, is designed to terminate pregnancies through 10 weeks gestation. This method uses a combination of drugs to stop the pregnancy from growing and then expel the tissue from the womb. 

Surgical abortions are generally used for women more than ten weeks along in their pregnancies. Typically an outpatient procedure, a surgical abortion begins with local or full anesthesia. Once you’re relaxed, a doctor will dilate the cervix and use forceps or a suction tool to remove the pregnancy. 

As with any medical procedure, undergoing an abortion exposes women to certain risks. These risks include: 

  • Infection
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion
  • Injury to the uterus
  • Uterine perforation
  • Damage to cervix

Understanding all the facts allows you to make a confident, informed decision. 


Adoption is an alternative to abortion that allows a woman to maintain her career and life goals after the baby is born. 

Women who choose adoption will work with an adoption agency. The agency will walk you through the process and be your advocate. As the birth mother, you will have the ability to choose a family or couple to raise your child.

While many women who choose adoption will experience a period of grief, adoption can bring a sense of joy in knowing you chose a life of love for your child. 


Parenting is another valid alternative to abortion. While choosing to parent requires a lot of sacrifice, many women find great fulfillment and joy in this option. 

Finding a solid support system and enrolling in parenting classes can be a great foundation for successful parenting. 

Finding Your Voice 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the decisions that come along with an unplanned pregnancy, we’re here to help.

Heart of the Hills offers women a place to explore their options without pressure from their partners or families to choose a certain path. 

The first step is to schedule a free pregnancy confirmation appointment by calling 830-456-8840. Once your pregnancy has been confirmed, you can begin to plan for your future. 

You have the final say. Be empowered and encouraged today!

Know my state.
Know my options.


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