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How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Have you recently had an abortion? Some women handle an abortion just fine but others can really struggle with mental health issues after the procedure.

Take a few minutes to learn how to best support your mental and emotional health if you’ve had an abortion or are planning to in the near future. 

Don’t Push Your Feelings Away

An abortion is a major life event. Acknowledging your feelings can help you cope with the emotional rollercoaster many women experience. 

Terminating a pregnancy impacts your hormones which can cause symptoms ranging from relief, sadness, grief, anxiety, depression or even suicidal thoughts. 

Studies show that women who have a history of mental health struggles tend to be at higher risk for struggling with anxiety and depression after an abortion. 

The emotions you feel after an abortion are valid. Whether they are positive or negative, embrace them. Make sure you have people to talk with about what you’re feeling. Sometimes a listening ear can make all the difference. 

What If I Feel Depressed After An Abortion? 

One of the lesser known effects of an abortion is it can cause some women to fall into depression. Depression can hit suddenly. Signs include feeling hopeless, irritability, lack of energy, decreased appetite, and insomnia. 

If at any point you think you might be suffering from depression, reach out for professional help. If you feel suicidal, the suicide and crisis lifeline is available 24/7 by dialing 988. 

Next Steps 

Heart of the Hills is a safe place to ask questions about abortion and learn more about what to expect from the procedure. If you’re unsure whether an abortion is the right choice, you can also learn about other solutions to an unwanted pregnancy

Call our office at 830-456-8840 Monday-Thursday to schedule your initial appointment. Confidential care is waiting for you. 

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