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Yes! If you recently took the first drug in the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone) and regret your decision, there is a chance you can continue your pregnancy by starting Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).

What Is Abortion Pill Reversal?

When you take mifepristone (the first drug in the abortion pill regimen), it blocks progesterone. Without this essential hormone, your uterine lining will loosen and shed, eventually causing your pregnancy to detach and end.

Abortion Pill Reversal works by flooding your body with progesterone. The goal is to counteract the anti-progesterone effects of mifepristone.

However, time is of the essence! Studies suggest that APR is most effective when started within 24-72 hours of taking mifepristone.

What About the Second Pill?

If you’ve taken mifepristone, the first drug in the abortion pill regimen, and you’re regretting your decision—do not take the second drug, misoprostol.

Misoprostol causes your uterus to contract, which will expel your pregnancy from your uterus and out through your vagina.

If you want to continue your pregnancy, starting APR immediately is essential.

How Can I Start Abortion Pill Reversal?

At Heart of the Hills, we offer free APR treatment in our office—but time is of the essence. If you regret taking mifepristone, contact us right away to get started.

We’ll review your situation and medical history, listen to your questions and concerns, and help you get started with APR treatment.

If it’s after hours, please call or text our emergency hotline at 830-733-0397, and one of our caring team members will respond as soon as possible.

Regretting your abortion decision can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.

What If I Want to Parent but Need Support Services?

If APR is successful and you’re considering parenting, you might have questions. If you have a heart to parent, we have the resources and support to help you feel prepared and encouraged along the way.

Whether you’re looking for parenting or life skills classes, community referrals, or material assistance, we’ve got you covered.

Contact us today to learn about all the ways we’re here to help.

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