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My Partner Is Pressuring Me To Have An Abortion But I’m Not Sure

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and feeling anxious about the future? Maybe your partner is pressuring you to abort, but you aren’t sure if that’s the right option for you.  Educating yourself on all the options available can give you a sense of clarity and peace when deciding how to proceed with your pregnancy.

How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Did you know abortion can impact your mental and emotional health? Some women will experience significant episodes of anxiety or depression following an abortion.  The good news is you have other options. Women who find themselves pregnant and unable to care for a child have the wonderful option of adoption.  Here’s a closer look at

Don’t Want Another Abortion?

The reasons women choose abortion are personal and varied. Experiencing another unexpected pregnancy may send some women seeking other solutions instead of a repeat abortion.  If that’s you, know you have alternatives to explore. Below is a brief overview of what making an adoption plan or parenting might look like for you.  Is Adoption Right

I’ve Already Had an Abortion and Don’t Want Another One. What Are My Options?

Legally, you alone have control over the pregnancy path that you choose. If you are unexpectedly pregnant and want to learn more about alternative options to abortion, read this blog to understand adoption and parenting. Parenting If you didn’t plan on becoming a parent or adding to your family before, it may be worth considering

How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Abortion is a serious medical procedure, and every woman’s recovery period can differ. If you’re seeking an abortion, read on to better prepare yourself for the physical side effects an abortion can bring. Commonly Reported Side Effects Women seeking an abortion today have two options: medical or surgical. The type of abortion available depends on

I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Seeing a positive pregnancy test when you weren’t planning on it, especially when considering abortion, can be shocking. Instant feelings of anxiety, confusion, and fear are common. If this is your experience, you’ve found a safe place to get answers.  Women struggling with an unplanned pregnancy have options. Abortion is typically the only option that

Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

An unplanned pregnancy means you have a big decision to make. No matter which option you choose, your life is forever changed. At Heart of the Hills, we provide free and confidential options counseling. Although we don’t provide or refer for abortion, we want you to have factual information so you can make a confident

How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Have you recently had an abortion? Some women handle an abortion just fine but others can really struggle with mental health issues after the procedure. Take a few minutes to learn how to best support your mental and emotional health if you’ve had an abortion or are planning to in the near future.  Don’t Push

3 Things Needed Before Abortion

Staring down at a positive pregnancy test can come as a shock. While you may have planned on having a child in the future, now doesn’t seem like the right time.  Abortion might have come to mind, even though it is banned in Texas. Before crossing state lines to seek an abortion, you can protect

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Discovering a pregnancy when it wasn’t planned can send some women into a panic to find a quick solution. If that’s you, rest assured you have time to take a breath. It’s important to evaluate all your options before deciding how to move forward.  You may have already begun to look into an abortion, but

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How Many Ultrasounds Are Recommended During Pregnancy?

Sonograms are the pictures taken by a fetal ultrasound. If you are currently pregnant, you might be wondering what an ultrasound is and how many are needed during a pregnancy. Below, you’ll find the answers to both those questions and more! What Is An Ultrasound? An ultrasound is a diagnostic tool used at healthcare facilities

Frequently Asked Questions About Abortion Pill Reversal

Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is the process of taking progesterone (a naturally occurring hormone) to counteract the effects of mifepristone (the first drug in the abortion pill regimen). If you’ve taken mifepristone but regret your decision, APR provides an opportunity to continue your pregnancy. But timing is critical! APR is most effective if started within

What Are the Risks and Benefits of Abortion Pill Reversal

If you’ve taken the first drug in the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone) and regret your decision, Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) gives you a chance to reverse mifepristone’s effects to continue your pregnancy. Abortion Pill Reversal consists of a high dose of progesterone, which aims to counteract mifepristone’s anti-progesterone effects. When it comes to APR, time