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Ultrasounds are important diagnostic tools used to better understand the details of your pregnancy.

While not mandatory, every pregnant woman is encouraged to get two ultrasounds during the span of her pregnancy.

But what if you are struggling with an unwanted pregnancy or seeking an abortion? Are there risks involved in not getting an ultrasound during pregnancy?

The short answer is yes. Find the explanation below.

You Risk Getting an Infection

Getting a positive result on a pregnancy test is one thing. Knowing whether your pregnancy is growing and developing is something different.

The Mayo Clinic estimates that about 10-20% of all pregnancies will end in miscarriage. An ultrasound will determine if your pregnancy is still alive or has ended. If a miscarriage has occurred, medical intervention may be required to remove any parts of the pregnancy left inside the uterus.

Tissue left inside the uterus can cause a serious and even life-threatening infection. Having an ultrasound is the only way to know if all the tissue has been properly expelled.

You Risk an Incomplete Abortion

If you are seeking an abortion, it is still important to have an ultrasound. Getting an ultrasound before an abortion will ensure your doctor knows exactly how old the pregnancy is. Knowing the age of your pregnancy will allow doctors to refer you for the correct type of abortion.

For instance, the abortion pill is only FDA-approved for pregnancies that are 10 weeks gestation or less. So if you take the abortion pill at 16 weeks pregnant, it may lead to an incomplete abortion, which can cause a life-threatening infection.

You Risk Complications from an Ectopic Pregnancy

Did you know a pregnancy can implant and develop outside of the uterus? This is known as an ectopic pregnancy and can occur in one of the fallopian tubes or abdomen wall.

An ectopic pregnancy requires immediate removal as it can cause massive internal bleeding if left untreated. Scheduling an ultrasound around 8-10 weeks of pregnancy is the only way to know whether you have an ectopic pregnancy or not.

Where to Find a No-Cost Ultrasound

Ultrasounds can be expensive; especially if you don’t have health insurance. Heart of the Hills is here to ensure you receive the care you deserve no matter your background or circumstances.

If you have had a recent positive pregnancy test, it’s time to schedule an ultrasound. Call our center at (830) 456-8840 to schedule a free limited ultrasound today!

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