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When I thought I was pregnant, I went to Heart of the Hills to confirm my Pregnancy with a pregnancy test and sonogram. The woman I worked with was kind and made me feel at home. She helped me sigh up for pregnancy Medicaid and other benefits that have helped me get on my feet. She was there to walk me through each step and encourage me…. That is what they do, encourage people, help them through their highs and lows. She was always available by phone or text and helped me work through my emotional roller coaster. With the centers help, I began Bible Study and Equine Therapy to focus on working through my trauma; I needed a safe place to process my emotions, and work through them which was life changing. Ultimately, they helped me become a better mom, I’m very thankful to have them in my life, they have become like family to me.

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How Soon After Conception Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?

When you suspect you might be pregnant, waiting for answers can feel overwhelming. You may be eager to test as soon as possible, but understanding how pregnancy tests work and when they are most accurate can help you avoid confusion and uncertainty. What Happens During Conception? Conception occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg, typically around

What Are The Risks of Not Having an Ultrasound During Pregnancy?

Ultrasounds are important diagnostic tools used to better understand the details of your pregnancy. While not mandatory, every pregnant woman is encouraged to get two ultrasounds during the span of her pregnancy. But what if you are struggling with an unwanted pregnancy or seeking an abortion? Are there risks involved in not getting an ultrasound

Are There Any Risks Associated with STI Testing During Pregnancy?

Sexually transmitted diseases and infections have been on the rise for years now. Practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly has never been more essential. But what about during pregnancy? Can you contract an STI while pregnant? And does STI testing pose any risks to your pregnancy? Keep reading to learn the answers to these