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Men often have many questions and concerns when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The pressure is not only on the woman. We understand the fears you may be facing right now – you are not alone. You will get through this, one step at a time.

Our team is here to help answer your questions and come alongside you as a guy supporting your partner with an unplanned pregnancy. Here is what guys can do with an unplanned pregnancy…

1. First, Process the News 

The news of an unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming at times, and it’s normal to feel mixed emotions. Before being available to your partner, it’s best to process the news on your own and with someone you trust. This could be a parent, friend, mentor, or one of our caring team members at Heart of the Hills.

You may need time to fully process the news before talking with your partner. Taking time on your own first can help avoid conflict between you and your partner initially. From there, you can be more available to hear your partner’s thoughts and concerns.

2. Supporting Your Partner

Most likely, your partner is going through some of the same emotions and questions as you. Talk with your partner to see how she is feeling, what she needs, and how you can help during this challenging time. Listening to her is one of the best ways to support her.

If she wants space, give her as much space as she needs. If she needs more time with you, try your best to show up and give your full attention. You can choose to go through this challenging journey as a team.

3. Free Resources & Support

We offer free and confidential pregnancy services and support so you can take your next step with clarity. Before you and your partner move forward with a pregnancy decision, confirm your pregnancy with pregnancy testing and an ultrasound today.

We know the pressure you’re already experiencing, and that’s why we offer our services at no cost to you. Our team also offers many resources and support including options counseling and a program for men.

Talk to us today if you need support as a man facing an unplanned pregnancy with your partner. We are here to help.

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