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Get answers to your many pregnancy questions and beyond. Contact us if you have any further questions and we are happy to help!

For accurate pregnancy test results, you will want to wait until a couple of days after your missed period. Your body needs time to build up the pregnancy hormone, hCG. If hCG is present in your urine, you’re most likely pregnant. 

If considering abortion, it's important to determine how long you’ve been pregnant. Confirming the number of weeks determines if you can have a medical or surgical abortion. An ultrasound will alert you to any possible complications such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.  

Ruling out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy is important, as taking the abortion pill will not end this type of pregnancy. An undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy can even be fatal if left untreated.

We know the thought of having an STI can be scary, but you are not alone. Many STIs go unnoticed as some people don't experience major symptoms.

To be sure of where your sexual health stands, get free and confidential STI testing and treatment with us today. Every service offering of ours is completely confidential and non-judgemental.

Yes! We are happy to support you as you navigate your pregnancy journey and beyond at completely no cost to you. We truly care for women and men facing unplanned pregnancies. You can get the support you need at our center today.

Absolutely. We encourage women to bring their partners along with them to their appointments. Our goal is for you to feel safe and comfortable when receiving services and support from us. If bringing your partner or someone else makes you feel more comfortable, go ahead and do so.

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Know my options.


My Partner Is Pressuring Me To Have An Abortion But I’m Not Sure

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and feeling anxious about the future? Maybe your partner is pressuring you to abort, but you aren’t sure if that’s the right option for you.  Educating yourself on all the options available can give you a sense of clarity and peace when deciding how to proceed with your pregnancy.

How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Did you know abortion can impact your mental and emotional health? Some women will experience significant episodes of anxiety or depression following an abortion.  The good news is you have other options. Women who find themselves pregnant and unable to care for a child have the wonderful option of adoption.  Here’s a closer look at

Don’t Want Another Abortion?

The reasons women choose abortion are personal and varied. Experiencing another unexpected pregnancy may send some women seeking other solutions instead of a repeat abortion.  If that’s you, know you have alternatives to explore. Below is a brief overview of what making an adoption plan or parenting might look like for you.  Is Adoption Right