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If you’ve recently had unprotected sex, you might be worried about an unexpected pregnancy. Doctors advise women to wait and take a pregnancy test a day or two after missing their periods. But can some pregnancy tests detect a pregnancy early?

Read on to learn how pregnancy tests work and which tests are able to detect pregnancy in its earliest stage.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Pregnancy tests are designed to detect the presence of a hormone known as hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin. When a fertilized egg implants into the uterus, hCG is produced and can be detected in a woman’s blood and urine.

The levels of hCG in a woman’s body start out low and then rapidly increase. Certain pregnancy tests are better at detecting lower levels of hCG and thus can reveal a pregnancy much earlier.

Blood vs. Urine Test

Two types of pregnancy tests are available: a blood test and a urine test. Over-the-counter pregnancy tests use urine to test for the presence of hCG. The levels of hCG must be high in urine for an at-home test to confirm a pregnancy.

On the other hand, blood tests are designed to be much more sensitive to hCG, and can detect very low levels of the hormone.

A blood test can actually detect a pregnancy 7 to 10 days after conception. If you’re anxious about pregnancy, a blood test can confirm your suspicions much earlier than an at-home pregnancy test.

Where Can I Get A Blood Test Done?

One of the drawbacks to using a blood test versus a urine test for pregnancy is the cost and accessibility. A blood test is much more expensive than an over-the-counter pregnancy test and must be done at a hospital or a healthcare facility.

If you suspect you might be pregnant but received a negative home pregnancy test, Heart of the Hills is here for you.

Getting the Answers You Deserve

Heart of the Hills offers free pregnancy and sexual health services to women of all ages. When you make an appointment at Heart of the Hills, you will get lab-quality, urine-based pregnancy testing or blood testing and have the opportunity to talk with our team about the results and your sexual health history.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Call 830-456-8840 to schedule your appointment today or reach out online.

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